January Events
Plan Ahead — Strengthening Families — 14 week course
Mon. Jan 27 - May 18, 5:30-8:00 pm, ARHA Bldg. 401 Wythe St. Alexandria
Parents and youth (ages 6-11) can strengthen family bonds through discussion, games, roleplaying, and family projects. Free dinners & Childcare (for ages 2-5).
Register: Yolonda Thompson at 703.820.9001 X 109 ythompson@scanva.org
Plan Ahead — Developmental Disability Advocacy Day — Bus to Richmond
Tue. Jan. 28, 7 am-3 pm, The Arc of Nova, 2755 Hartland Ave. #200, Falls Church
This is an annual bus trip to Richmond where we will advocate in coordinated groups meeting with legislators who represent the region. Return bus trip included.
Register: RSVP to lucy.beadnell@thearcofnova.org
Fairfax Prevention Coalition Meeting
Wed. Jan. 8, 1-3 pm, Thom. Jeff. Lib. 7415 Arlington. Blvd, Falls Church
Learn about strategies to prevent drug misuse and addiction, including vaping, opioids, and underage drinking, along with connections to treatment.
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Wed. Jan. 8, 7-9 pm, Auburn Sch. 3800 Concorde Pkwy. #500, Chantilly
Learn about the information that a neuropsychological evaluation provides, and how it can be used to implement appropriate interventions at home and school.
Register: https://www.theauburnschool.org/page/153 or 703-793-9353
What People with Autism Have to Teach the Rest of Us About Sexuality and Gender
Wed. Jan. 8, 7-9 pm, Temple Sinai 3100 Military Rd. NW Washington, DC
Register: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egrf87az3076cbb2&oseq=&c=&ch=
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: AAC Partner Training Strategies
Wed. Jan. 15, 6:30-8:00 pm, TCW HS 3330 King St. Alexandria
Learn about various AAC tools and how to use them to enhance your child’s ability to communicate at home, at school, and in the community.
Register by Jan. 8: janet.reese@acps.k12.va.us or phone 703-824-0129
Raising Tweens: 10 Key Skills Kids Will Need in Middle School and Beyond
Thu. Jan. 9, 11:45 am-1:15 pm, StudyPro, 6849 Old Dominion Dr. #200, McLean
Learn how we can help our tweens to navigate key issues: making good friend choices, negotiating conflict, regulating emotions, and self-advocating.
Register: https://thestudypro.com/events-calendar/
Financial Planning for Special Needs Families — With Webinar & Recorded Options
Fri. Jan. 10, 10:00 am-noon, The Arc of Nova, 2755 Hartland Ave. #200, Falls Church
Learn general financial planning principles and special considerations for the unique needs of families with special needs children and young adults.
Mental Health and Wellness Conference
Sat. Jan. 11, 8 am-1 pm, Independence HS 23115 Learning Cir. Ashburn
This conference for parents includes concurrent breakout sessions, presentations by school, community, and regional experts, and a resource fair.
Register: www.NavigateThePath.com
Watch Party for a Presidential Form on Disability Issues
Mon. Jan. 13, 11 am, The Arc of Nova, 2755 Hartland Ave. #200, Falls Church
Join others to watch the live-stream coverage in Austin, TX of Elected for Inclusion: A Presidential Forum on Disability Issues.
SEPTA Advocacy Event & General Membership Meeting
Tue. Jan. 14, 7-9 pm, Gatehouse Admin. Cafe 8115 Gatehouse Rd. Falls Church
Learn the steps in how to advocate to bring about change for yourself, your child, and our community.
Register: Eventbrite
Beyond Learning Differences and Executive Functioning Challenges: How to Solve Any Academic Problem with Study Skills and Time Management
Wed. Jan. 15, 7:30-9:00, Lab Sch. 4759 Reservoir Rd, NW, Wash. DC
This talk will highlight simple, practical ways to help your students improve their study skills and time management.
Register: https://form.jotform.com/92343925458162
Evidence-based Interventions for Children with FASD — Webinar
Thu. Jan 16, 6:30-8:00 pm
The various interventions to be covered will target behavior and self regulation, social skills, family support, and academic skills.
Who Gets to Tell Your Story: Disability and Identity in a ‘Perfect’ World
Thu. Jan. 16, 7 pm, McLean Sch. 8224 Lochinver Ln. Potomac, MD
Disability advocate, John Sharon will explore how a person’s limitations impact who they are and how they are seen by those around them.
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Treatment, and Research Update
Tue. Jan. 21, 10 am-noon, Parent Resource Ctr. 2334 Gallows Rd. Door 1, Dunn Loring
Learn about diagnostic criteria, signs and symptoms in children and adolescents, and treatment options, resources and collaborations.
Register: https://www.fcps.edu/node/28019/ or 703-204-3941
Parenting Youth in LGBTQ+ Adoptive Families — Webinar
Thu. Jan 23, 7-8 pm. Cost varies.
Managing ADHD Medications
Fri. Jan. 24, 10 am-noon, 6849 Old Dominion Dr. #200, McLean
Learn how to manage ADHD medications, including how to manage side effects, uneven coverage, and stoping medication. Bring your questions.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-and-lecture-adhd-medication-management-tickets-85511630589?
Strengthening Families — 14 week course
Mon. Jan 27 - May 18, 5:30-8:00 pm, ARHA Bldg. 401 Wythe St. Alexandria
Parents and youth (ages 6-11) can strengthen family bonds through discussion, games, roleplaying, and family projects. Free dinners & Childcare for ages 2-5.
Register: Yolonda Thompson at 703.820.9001 X 109 ythompson@scanva.org
Tue. Jan. 28, 9 am-noon, Providence Community Ctrr. 3001 Vaden Dr. Fairfax
OR Gum Springs Community Center 8100 Fordson Rd, Alexnadria
These workshop are for brothers and sisters of children with special needs.
Register: https://www.fcps.edu/node/28019/ or 703-204-3941
Developmental Disability Advocacy Day in Richmond! — Bus There and Back
Tue. Jan. 28, 7 am-3 pm, The Arc of Nova, 2755 Hartland Ave. #200, Falls Church
This is an annual bus trip to Richmond where we will advocate in coordinated groups meeting with legislators who represent the region.
Register: RSVP to lucy.beadnell@thearcofnova.org
Social Competence: For Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities
Wed. Jan. 29, 9-11 am, LCPS Admin. Bldg. 21000 Education Ct. Ashburn
Learn strategies for promoting social skill acquisition and tools to help children understand social interactions, expectations, social cues, and social rules.
Protecting Our Youth: A Conversation About Teen Trafficking for Parents and Teens
Thu. Jan. 30, 6:30-8:30 pm, BWHS 22525 Belmont Ridge Rd, Ashburn
A panel of law enforcement will discuss how teens of every gender, race, and means are targeted locally, and the types of situations to look out for.
Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V6N5965
Strategies to Promote Fine and Gross Motor Development in Young Children
Mon. Feb. 5, 6:30-8:00 pm, TCW HS 3330 King St. Alexandria
In this workshop, parents will learn some practical and fun ways to boost their young child’s fine and gross motor skills.
Register by January 29: janet.reese@acps.k12.va.us or phone 703-824-0129
Portrait of an ADHD Graduate: Overcoming Obstacles While Optimizing Strengths
Fri. Jan. 31, 10 am-noon, Parent Resource Ctr. 2334 Gallows Rd. Door 1, Dunn Loring
Learn how to help your student with ADHD by building on existing strengths, developing executive function skills, and cultivating emotional intelligence.
Register: https://www.fcps.edu/node/28019/ or 703-204-3941
Plan Ahead — Parenting & Navigating the Teen & Tween Years — 7 week course
Thu. Feb. 13 - March 26, 9-11 am, Riverside ES 8410 Old Mt. Vernon Rd. Alexandria
Join other parents of 10-16 yr olds to address how to set routines, manage conflict and navigate exposure to drugs and tobacco
Register: Meg Turkson, Parent Liaison at mturkson@fcps.edu
Plan Ahead — Cecily’s Advocacy Conference 2020
Sat. Feb. 29, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, McLean Sch. 8224 Lochinver Ln. Potomac, MD
Early Bird Registration before Feb. 3: https://www.mcleanschool.org/support/parents-association/cecilys-advocacy-conference-2020/ $50 includes 2 meals
Save the Date — FCPS Special Education Conference
Sat. April 18 Hayfield SS, 7630 Telegraph Road, Alexandria.
Includes a Student Strand for youth ages 14-22.
Support Groups All these support groups are open to newcomers, and they are free, except where noted. No diagnosis is required to participate. Participants are typically given the opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources. Confidentiality is respected. Support Groups for Parents Alpha Moms This support group for adoptive parents meets monthly in McLean. Contact: robin4brady@gmail.com Autism Dads meets one evening monthly in Falls Church. Contact: George Buzby at 571-419-1257 or gbuzby@aol.com CHADD: Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Alexandria CHADD Parent Support Group 4th Mon. of each month at 6:30 pm. Contact: Jenny ADHDParentMountVernon@gmail.com or call 703-472-4678.Burke CHADD Support Group for Parents, Caregivers and Family Members Last Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. Contact Kim Griffin: kimberlyrgriffin@yahoo.comLoudoun County CHADD Parent Support 2nd Wed. of the month in Sterling. Contact: Bonnie Little 571-306-2932 or blittle@windingroadcoaching.comWest Fairfax CHADD Evening Parent Support Group 3rd Thur. of each month at 7:30 pm Contact: Sharon clintob@aol.com or 703-716-4646.West Fairfax CHADD Morning Parent Support Group 1st Tues. of each month at 10:30 am Contact: Sharon clintob@aol.com or 703-716-4646.CSB Family Support Group at Gatlan Center 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month 6-8 pm in Alexandria Contact: Samar.Chwairy@fairfaxcounty.gov or call 703-799-2882. D.A.D.S. Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome 3rd Tue. each month, 7-9 pm in Alexandria. Contact: George gbuzby@aol.com or call 703- 545-6089. Fairfax Juvenile Court Parent Support Group for problems including runaway behavior, truancy, alcohol/drug abuse, and serious behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community. 7:30 pm every Tues. Room 201.1 Fairfax County Courthouse – call 703-246-2495. Kinship Caregivers Support Group 2nd & 4th Thur. monthly, 6:30-8:00 pm, South County Gov. Ctr. Rm. 220, 8350 Richmond Hgwy, Alexandria. Free dinner and resources. Register 1 week ahead: KFI@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703-246-4653 Kinship Café – meets monthly on the 2nd Wed. in Fairfax. Free dinner. Activities for children and discussion for adults. Register 1 week ahead by calling 703-246-4653 or online at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hscode/EReg/Registration.aspx?groupID=27 NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for affected families. Arlington Parent Support Group meets two Sundays a month at 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact: Naomi 703-862-9588 verdugo.naomi@gmail.comOCD Family Support Group 1st Mon. of each month, 7:30 pm. Contact: familygroupocd@verizon.net or call 202-215-5859. Northern Virginia Tourette Support Group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month at noon at the Chantilly Public Library. Contact: mark.bramer@gmail.com OCD Family Support Group 1st Monday of each month 7:30 pm . Contact: familygroupocd@varizon.net or call 202-215-5859 Parents of Autistic Children (POAC) meeting times and location posted at: https://poac-nova.org/events/